Seeking Visionary Supporters
Our vision at Florida Hebrew University is nothing short of life-changing. We are pioneering a unique and powerful approach to Torah-based education, shaping the future of our community and beyond. But to bring this vision to its fullest potential, we need visionary partners to help us shapre the future of our communities.
Are you one of those special individuals who understands the value of investing in a future grounded in Torah and excellence? Join us in this mission, and together, we can make a lasting difference.

At Florida Hebrew University, we deeply value our foundational supporters who help establish our vision.
All donors who contribute on Copper ($1,800), Gold ($3,600), and Rhodium ($7,200) Levels will have their names honored on the FHU Legacy Wall, where they will remain for generations, B"H, as a testament to their enduring impact on our Torah-based mission.

For all scholarship donations, please, call or email FHU Giving (Development Office):
T. +1.954.613.2073, Ext. 4 or: FHUGiving@fhumail.org